For all items we charge £1 to list each one (this covers taking the photographs, writing the description and uploading the item). If you wish to put a reserve price on your item which incurs a higher fee from Ebay, we will discuss this additional cost with you prior to listing.

The commission charged is all costs from Ebay and Paypal (the same that you would pay if you were doing it yourself) + 25% of the final selling price of the item. We can provide a detailed breakdown of these fees if required.

If your item doesn't sell first time round, we are happy to list again, but will charge £4 if it doesn't sell a second time round, which covers our time and the fees incurred from Ebay simply for trying to sell it. If it doesn't sell second time round the item will be taken to a charity shop. If you would like anything back they must be returned or collected by you within 3 weeks or they will automatically be taken to a charity shop.